Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Teachers who made a difference: George Granholt

George Granholt has been mentioned several times as a favorite teacher in Decatur County. Mr. Granholt taught English and Social Studies at Greensburg High School from 1966 until his retirement in 1993. He also sponsored extra-curricular activities like tennis, swimming, and light crew. In 1992, he was voted "wisest teacher" by the student body at Greensburg High School. Mr. Granholt still lives in Decatur County and is actively involved with the Decatur County Historical Society. Click here to watch the interview he conducted with WWII veteran Melvin Robbins in 2006.

Was Mr. Granholt one of your favorite Decatur County teachers? 
Please share your memories in a comment below.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Granholt was a master teacher! From his " Abandon all hope, ye you enter here" welcome sign, to his " If you act enthusiastic, you'll be enthusiastic" classroom poster, Mr. G. taught us that attitude matters. We knew we could do better when our composition was returned stamped "NO!" accompanied by his Chesire cat grin. He challenged us and encouraged us. My college writing instructor demanded to know where I had learned to write so well. The simple answer was...from Mr. G. My own teaching days are now behind me. Through them all, Mr. G. set the standard I endeavored to meet. He truly made a difference to me and to the hundreds of students who were the beneficiaries of his influence on me.


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